Monday, April 6, 2015

A Prophet of God

As is true of every week, this week was fabulous! 

We were able to do a lot of service for a Sister in the ward who's moving. Lots of cleaning to do!

Geoff continues to be amazing. He absolutely loved General Conference. In his words: "I am touched." It's been amazing to see the Lord's hand in his life as I've gotten to know him more!

Brother Kruger is ever closer to actually becoming a Brother! This Saturday, even! He's on fire! (Not literally, though... ;) )

Sister Kruger wanted us to have a picture next to her giant bunny...
 Brother Kruger decided to join us! Haha! :)
General Conference was amazing, as always. Every single talk applied to a question that I had brought. If not by what a speaker said, by what the Spirit said to me as I listened! :) Families are forever! Christ lives! He will catch us as we fall and we do not need to be afraid! I just loved all of it! 
We may have stopped at Panda between sessions on Saturday... Best decision ever. ;) 


Our Heavenly Father loves us so much. He knows us all personally. By name, even. He so wants us to be happy now and in eternity. His very purpose is "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Everything He does is to bring more and more of His children back to Him. Of all of these ways, my favorite to think about is the path that we have been given that leads straight up to our Heavenly Father's home. This path is the gospel of Jesus Christ and it's been available to all of God's children from the beginning of everything. Including us today! We have been given great tools to learn and choose for ourselves the path that leads back to our Heavenly Father. These tools include such things as prayer, scripture study, and church attendance. We have also been given another VERY important tool to help us stay on this path: prophets.

Prophets are, simply put, the Lord's mouthpiece on the Earth. They are special witnesses of Christ. Through prophets, Heavenly Father reveals eternal truths that help us on our way back to Him. We read great words of counsel from ancient prophets as we study the scriptures. Their words apply to us in our day, but there are some things that we need extra guidance on now. While on an exchange this week, I heard my sister training leader explain it this way: "There were no iPhones, iPads, or other forms of modern technology back then. We need the words of modern prophets to guide us in the proper use of these things. We've been given these things as a gift from God to help advance His work, and we need the prophets to tell us exactly how we're supposed to use them." 

To me, prophets are some of the most convincing evidence of our Father's love. Throughout the history of the world, God has called a prophet to lead and guide His children. God did not just love His children on the earth in the days of Moses and Noah; He loves us NOW. We, too, have a prophet. This living prophet leads and guides us today. My mission president put it this way: "How does God in Heaven govern man on earth? He calls a prophet! A living, breathing, thinking, talking prophet of God. A man, albeit, an inspired man. A man of God. A man we can trust to be our teacher and our minister."

President Thomas S. Monson is the Prophet on the earth today. He has been called of God and as such holds all the authority to receive revelation to guide all of Heavenly Father's children on the earth. The other members of the First Presidency and the quorum of the Twelve Apostles are also called of God. We can always trust them (Mosiah 23:14). All that they say reflects the will of God. We cannot oppose God's chosen servants without opposing God himself (D&C 84:35-37). 

I sustain Thomas S. Monson, his counselors, and all the other apostles with all my heart, might, mind, and strength. I love them, and I know that they love God. And that is enough for me. 


I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on this weekend's conference! What were your favorite things that happened/were said? What stood out to you? In the words of Elder Nelson: "How are you going to change?" 

Sister Waite

We make silly faces sometimes. With Sister Lavetala! 

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