Sisters Waite and Johnson - Merry Christmas! |
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Sister Waite and her trainer, Sister Gagon |
What a privilege to have been fed by one of the Lord's special witnesses this last week! I learned so much! One of the biggest things that I took away was how important our missionary purpose truly is! We are here to boldy invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored Gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. In this mission, we baptize and retain. I have been called through a Prophet of God to serve in the Texas San Antonio Mission. I am here to baptize and retain. Everything I do must be focused on that purpose. EVERYTHING, including exercise and eating. I had never thought about it like that before.
I think this meant so much to me, because I've never really had an answer when people ask "Why did you choose to serve a mission?" or "Why are you here?" That question used to make me squirm inside. I would think, "Well... One day I decided that a mission would be good... so I met with my bishop and called my parents... and then I reported to the MTC when they told me to." I never had an overpowering, awe-inspiring experience. I simply decided to serve. For that reason, I've always felt uncomfortable answering that question because I felt like I needed an incredible answer. But now I have an answer: I am here to accomplish my purpose. I am here because I was called of God through a prophet to serve. I am here because I love the Lord. I am here because I am needed. The Lord knew who He was calling, and where He was calling her to. He knows why I am here, and now I do as well.
Another thing that stood out to me was how many times Elder Pino would tell us that we have a good mission. Every time he said it was so sincere and he would always say, "I would not lie about that!" What really got me thinking about it was when he told us that when he first received his assignment to visit us, someone ELSE told him that he would be visiting one of the greatest missions in the world. I remember when President Russell M. Nelson, Elder David F. Evans, and Elder Stephen B. Allen said much the same thing. I remember feeling like we had just beat Round Valley or something, if that makes any sense. But this time, instead of feeling competitive or proud about it, I asked myself: "What is it about the TSAM that makes visitors- people who have never served here- say it is one of the greatest missions in the world?"
As I asked myself that question, I reflected on the Articles of Faith. When asked to describe the Church and what made it different and so great, the Prophet Joseph wrote 13 short statements about our beliefs. My thoughts also took such a form as I pondered on why the TSAM is different and so great:
1. We love the Lord. We seek to please Him first in all that we do. We know and trust in His promises. We strive to make His will our own.
2. We love and follow our leaders with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength. We recognize them as servants called of God through His prophet on the earth today.
3. We recognize our sacred responsibility. We take ownership and assume responsibility for our stewardship. We know that God uses us to gather scattered Israel. We understand who we are and act accordingly.
4. We have the blood of the Restoration flowing in our veins. In all things, we refer quickly and simply to the Restoration. We know and love the Book of Mormon, the tool of the gathering of Israel. We recognize it as evidence that the Prophet Joseph Smith was the instrument God used to restore the true gospel and Church of Jesus Christ to the earth.
5. We have an immovable testimony built on the solid bedrock of truth. We rely on personal revelation, the scriptures, teachings of modern prophets, and Preach My Gospel. We believe the scriptures.
6. We understand agency: an essential gift given to us by our Heavenly Father. We know that we must use it and ACT, instead of be acted UPON. There is power to being an agent of the Lord, as opposed to only an instrument. We choose to obey and do all we can to accomplish our noble task. There are no bad days, no bad areas, and no bad companions.
7. We are purpose driven; all that we do is done with our purpose in mind. We are urgent. We move forward with unshaken faith to accomplish that purpose. The reason we are here is the same as our purpose. We baptize and retain.
8. We follow the unwritten order. We draw upon observation, revelation, and experience to know the proper order of all things.
9. We are quick to observe and quick to remember. God does not work in trends, and neither do we. We are quick to learn what we can do better and strive to apply it always, not only for a short time.
10. We are part of the solution; we are not the problem. We do not let others do our homework for us. We are constantly seeking revelation and solutions for ourselves, instead of relying on others to solve our problems for us.
11. We are focused outward and do all we can to follow the Savior's admonition: "Feed my sheep." We recognize the attributes we are developing and the things we are learning are not only for now, but for always. They will always help us to serve God and serve others.
12. We have a deep sense of collective foreordination. We respect the sacred nature of EVERYONE'S calling. We love our mission, and encourage others to love their missions. We recognize that we have all been called to serve in the same work: the work of salvation!
13. We are all in, all the time.
It is an honor to have been called of Jesus Christ through inspiration to serve in the Texas San Antonio Mission of the Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I will keep my purpose at the forefront of my mind as I do the Lord's work in His way and by His power.
I will stand for truth and return with honor.
I love you all. Have another incredible week as Christmas approaches!
With love the size of Texas,
Sister Waite