Dear all,
Miracles, Brothers and Sisters! Miracles! I don't have words to express or explain the many ways we have seen the Lord's hand this week. From the little things like the rain always letting up right as we needed to be out in it, to the big things like an investigator family showing up to church unexpectedly... I can't adequately express my gratitude to my Heavenly Father!
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On exchanges with Sister Martin |
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The Wind picked up and this selfie resulted! haha! |
Allow me to share a handful of miracles with you:
* We contacted a Church Headquarters referral. Caroline had requested a free copy of the Bible, so we were asked to deliver it to her. We tried calling her to set up a time, but never got an answer, so we decided to knock on her door. It was incredible to see the joy in Caroline's eyes when she opened the door. She let us right in, and we started teaching her. We talked about the Bible and how wonderful it is, and then shared a verse from the Book of Mormon and taught her about the Lord's love for all of His children, especially her! She told us about some of the trials she is going through, but it was incredible to see the change in her countenance as she listened to two servants of the Savior testify of His love. She thanked us over and over again for coming, and told us that she definitely wanted to come to church and read the Book of Mormon.
* We had a couple extra minutes at the end of the night and decided to visit Jason, an investigator we hadn't heard from in about a week. He came outside to talk with us, as usual, but pretty soon, the door opened up again. Out walked a woman we had never been able to meet: his wife! Jason had been very adamant that he didn't want to pressure her into also investigating the church, and had been very careful to keep us from meeting her. We talked to both of them about the Book of Mormon and it's important role of testifying of our Savior. Jason offered to say a closing prayer, and in it he prayed that they would be able to begin attending church together. He texted us later that night and told us that Sarah, his wife, is becoming more interested in the church that he knows is true!
* Erica and her son Isaac are progressing beyond quickly. When we met with them, Erica explained to us that she's been feeling "whisperings", as she calls them, prompting her to keep her commitments. The smile on Isaac's face was wider than his face when she told him-and us-of the progress she is making. She is a changed woman. The Spirit works wonders!
* Danny and Trisha had medical appointments up by the temple this week. A member was kind enough to give them a ride. As they got off the freeway and started on the road that leads to the temple, they passed by a rather large, well-known church. Trisha got excited, as she enjoys watching their televised sermons on Sundays, opting out of coming to church with Danny. That excitement was forgotten, however, as soon as she laid eyes on the temple. We were able to visit with them that night, and all they talked about for 45 minutes was how beautiful the temple is. Trisha, who had not talked to us for several weeks, was the most talkative of us all. She loved it! She still wasn't ready to accept an invitation to church, but there's progress there. Danny, however, was above the moon with excitement. He told us "When I die, bury me in those flower beds, because I never wanted to leave that place." He asked what he needed to do in order to go inside, and was ecstatic to learn that he was already on that path, and is set to be baptized on June 4.
* President and Sister Slaughter were asked to speak in the Balcones Heights ward yesterday (a real treat)! We had several investigators all lined up to attend, and President wanted to meet every single one of them. We excitedly waited outside of the chapel, but as the clock ticked closer and closer to 11 am, no one appeared. We took our seats, and it took a lot in me not to shed a tear. We had worked hard all week and promised President that he would meet all of our investigators, and not a single one showed up. However, I did not allow my faith to waver. This was still the Lord's work! About halfway through the meeting, the back doors to the chapel opened up. We looked back to find an investigator family straggling in. Sister Hardman and I elbowed each other excitedly and I'm sure the grins on our faces could have lit up the world because they were so bright. I looked up at President, and he smiled at us, too. After the meeting, he came with us to greet them, and they said that they want to come to church every week, even though it will be difficult for them! Que milagro!
"O all ye that have imagined up unto yourselves a god who can do no miracles, I would ask of you, have all these things passed, of which I have spoken? Has the end come yet? Behold I say unto you, Nay; and God has not ceased to be a God of miracles. Behold, are not the things that God hath wrought marvelous in our eyes? Yea, and who can comprehend the marvelous works of God?" (Mormon 9:15-16)
Miracles have not ceased. They are happening around you every day.
The Lord has declared: "I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I work not among the children of men save it be according to their faith" (2 Nephi 27:23).
As we move forward each day with unshaken faith, our eyes will be opened to the many mighty miracles that surround us each day. The hand of the Lord is in all things. "Doubt not, but be believing" (Mormon 9:27).
May we all have the ears to hear, the eyes to see, and the hearts to believe the miracles that are happening around us each day!
Sister Waite