Monday, February 29, 2016

Mysterious Ways

Dear all,

This week can be described by one cliche: 

The Lord moves in mysterious ways!

Take, for example, an experience from yesterday. We were coming out of our dinner appointment when we received a text from President Slaughter, asking us to report as soon as possible some information that we had unfortunately left in our apartment. We decided that as we headed back to the apartment we would visit a few people on the way, to make the best use of our miles. We chose a family, and I checked a map to make sure that  I knew where we were going. I was sure that we needed to turn right on Marshwood and right on Ingram, then left on the next road, then a right, then arrive. I checked and rechecked. Getting lost in San Antonio is not the most fun thing! We started off, turning right on Marshwood, then right on Ingram. Pretty soon, I realized that somehow I had taken a wrong turn. Luckily, I had strayed into a more familiar part of the area. Knowing that turning around probably wouldn't be the most time effective, I wracked my brain to remember families who lived in the area who would need a visit.

"What about the Averys?" I thought.

"No, they haven't answered the door or phone in three months. Who else could we try?" I answered myself.


"I know there are other families around here. There's the ... that one with the dog... No, they live too far away. Who else?"

"The Averys."

Despite all of my efforts to push the thought away, I could not get them out of my head. I've been a missionary long enough now to know what that means, and I should have responded to it faster, I know.

So we went over.

And wouldn't you know it? They let us in gladly! They apologized for not seeing us for a while, and told us about how they are so busy and are never home. We had an incredible lesson with them!

The Avery family was not on our plans. In fact, we actually planned on heading the opposite direction. but because Sister Waite got turned around and apparently doesn't know how to read a map, the Lord was able to lead us right to them.

The Lord works in mysterious ways!

Another example? The Stephens family, the family we set with a baptism date a few weeks ago, recently moved into another ward covered by a different set of missionaries, They're going to be baptized over there. At first, I was a little sad. This is my family, after all! But then I realized that they are going to learn things that only the elders in that area could teach them! We were able to find them, and begin the conversion process, and now the elders get to help them along even farther!

The Lord works in mysterious ways!

"God moves in a mysterious way

His wonders to perform;

He plants his footsteps in the sea

And rides upon the storm.

Ye fearful Saint, fresh courage take;

the clouds ye so much dread

Are big with mercy and shall breaking 

In blessings on your head.

His purposes will ripen fast,

Unfolding every hour;

The bud may have a bitter taste,

but sweet will be the flower.

Blind unbelief is sure to err

And scan his works in vain;

God is his own interpreter,

And he will make it plain."

(Hymn #285)

I can't even begin to count the amount of miracles and little "mysterious ways" that I have been a part of this week. It is a pleasure to serve the Lord and witness so many miracles!

I love you all! I hope you have a wonderful week full of miracles!


Sister Waite 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sacrament Meeting Talk

This is a talk that Abbie gave on Sunday Feb 21, 2016 in sacrament meeting. She was the last speaker. I thought it was so beautiful and wanted to document it here. Love you, Abbie!

14 months ago, I first stepped foot on Texas soil, and I stand before you today an entirely different person. I have experienced the Restoration. I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, called of Him by prophecy and revelation and assigned to labor in the Texas San Antonio Mission. I can imagine no greater place to serve! I can think of no
greater place to come to know my Savior and His gospel.

Brothers and Sisters, the blood of the Restoration runs deep within my soul. I pray for you everyday that you may feel the same.

God is a God of miracles. There have been two miracles in the history of the world that have changed the eternal destiny of mankind: the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

As members of the church, we speak often of the Atonement, and rightly so! As Jacob says in Jacob 4: "Why not speak of the atonement of Christ, and attain to a perfect knowledge of him?" But how many times do we just glaze over the Restoration, making it seem as though it is just another event in church history, instead of the reason FOR church history. How often do we forget that the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the second greatest thing to ever happen on the earth? It is our unique message to the world! I can walk up to someone on the street and tell them their family can be forever, and they can say "Yeah, I already knew that." But if I tell them that there is a prophet on the earth today, chosen by God to teach us the best way to follow Christ, they can't say that. They don't already know that! It is a unique message! If we can come to understand that, and help others understand, our testimonies will be built on the solid bedrock of truth!

As a missionary, I have come to know my loving Heavenly Father, who has taught His children His gospel since the very beginning of time. I have come to know my Father who chose Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses to lead mankind and teach repentance.

I know our loving Heavenly Father who sent His Only Begotten Son to not only lead us and teach us repentance, but to make repentance possible. The scriptures teach us that He is the only way to salvation. In Mosiah 3, King Benjamin says:

"... There shall be no other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent."

Jesus Christ is the only way to gain salvation. There is no backdoor into the celestial kingdom, no side stairwell that we can sneak through if we time it right.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should no perish, but have everlasting life."

Jesus Christ walked this earth. He lived for us. He suffered for us. He died for us. He rose for us. He lives today. This is the very center of the gospel, the very reason we are here. He is the only Way.

There was a time that this world fell away from the way of Christ. They distanced themselves from God and cast themselves into spiritual darkness (it is little wonder that we call this time the dark ages!) The fulness of the gospel could not be found. The joy of partaking in priesthood ordinances, the joy of making covenants, the joy of Christ
could not be found on the earth.

How wonderful it is to know our Father in Heaven loved us enough to call prophets today to lead us and teach us repentance. There are so many who do not know this!

I have a friend whom I love very dearly who is a member of another faith. We grew up together, but when I came on my mission, I hadn't heard from her in about a year. She somehow found my email address and started emailing me each week, asking questions about the gospel. I remember thinking, "I'm a missionary. I've totally got this. Someone schedule the baptism!" One week, she asked me about prophets and why we need them today. I don't remember what I told her, it was probably a quote straight from Preach My Gospel, but her reply broke my heart. She told me that she just couldn't believe that. That God had given us all that He was ever going to give us and that was that.

At first, I was angry. How could she believe something like that? I went on a hunt. I searched and searched for something I could send her that would change her mind. Then I found this quote from President James E. Faust:

"What has happened to David’s living God? It is the greatest insult to reason to suggest that God, who spoke so freely to the prophets of the Old Testament including Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, and the other prophets, now stands mute, uncommunicative, and silent.

"We may well ask, Does God love us less than those led by the ancient prophets? Do we need his guidance and instruction less? Reason suggests that this cannot be. Does he not care? Has he lost his voice? Has he gone on a permanent vacation? Does he sleep? The unreasonableness of each of these proposals is self-evident."

I read that and realized that I needed to ask myself those questions and come to a true knowledge for myself that we need prophets today. I responded to my friend with a brief testimony and told her that I loved her. That was nearly a year ago, and I have not heard from her since.

Brothers and Sisters, I can stand before you today and declare that God does not sleep. He has not left us alone. He will never leave us alone. He has restored to us the knowledge of the covenants He made with our fathers and is offering to us those same blessings. The truth of this is etched onto my heart and it will never fade.

The absolute fact that our loving Father in Heaven saw fit to restore the gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth brings me so much joy! The fulness of the gospel is available to us NOW.

One spring morning, nearly 200 years ago, Joseph Smith knelt in a grove of trees to ask God where he could go to find Him.

In his own words, Joseph says:

"I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me. When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other--
(Joseph), this is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!"

Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. In Their infinite and eternal love, They called him to be the Prophet of the Restoration. Through him, They restored every truth, every principle, and every priesthood key necessary for our salvation. At some point, every single one of us in this room has felt the truth of this to some
degree, or else we wouldn't be here.

When I was a junior in high school, I had the opportunity to visit the Sacred Grove. My seminary took a group of his students, and we visited church history sites for two weeks. The way the trip lined up, we visited the Sacred Grove during the second week. I was so excited. I just knew that if I could visit that wonderful place, I would gain a
powerful testimony. I was counting the days! When we finally made it to Palmyra, we were taken to the grove and Brother Greer turned us loose. I found myself a quiet place and opened my scriptures. I read in Joseph Smith-History and began to pray. Then I waited. And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

I can still picture the place I was sitting. I can see the trees and feel the misty air. I can hear the birds and smell the fresh scent of nature. And I was sitting there; waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting.

I remember thinking, "Maybe I didn't ask hard enough." So I asked again.

And again.

And again.

And I waited.

And waited.

Pretty soon it was time to leave. I knew that I would probably never be able to visit that sacred place again, and I didn't want to leave... I hadn't received the witness I so desired yet! I was one of the last stragglers onto the bus. I sat in my seat and listened to my peers tell of their incredible experiences in the grove. I sat in silence.

That night I prayed and asked why. Why didn't I get an answer in the grove? It just wasn't fair. I listened to all of my friends tell the story of their spiritual experiences, didn't I deserve one, too? What had I done wrong?

I will never forget the answer I received that night. It was as if my Heavenly Father were right next to me, lovingly saying: "Sister Waite, you already know. You have read, pondered, and prayed about the Book of Mormon. You have prayed about Joseph Smith. You received the answers you were seeking. Was that not enough?"

I think that too often we make our testimonies conditional, saying things like: "If I can visit the Sacred Grove, I'll know that the gospel was restored through Joseph Smith," or "I won't know that President Monson is the Prophet of the Lord today until I shake his hand and look into his eyes," or "Until I kneel at Christ's feet, I won't really know that He is my Savior." This should never, ever be the case. We can know it now.

Brothers and Sisters, I love you. God loves you. And because He loves you, He has restored His gospel to this earth! Because of this Restoration, we have a knowledge of the covenants that the Lord has made with our fathers and are able to partake of those blessings. We have the opportunity to make covenants ourselves! What a wondrous blessing!

There is a verse of scripture that has absolutely changed the way I see the word of the Lord. Jeremiah 20:9 reads:

"... his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay."

Brothers and Sisters, the fire of the Restoration is shut up deep within my bones and I cannot put it out. I cannot stay any longer. Because of my knowledge and testimony of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I have been converted and cannot stay the same any longer. I cannot stay my tongue in declaring this glorious message!

After enduring persecution for his testimony, the Prophet Joseph Smith said:

"Why persecute me for telling the truth? I have actually seen a vision; and who am I that I can withstand God, or why does the world think to make me deny what I have actually seen? For I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it..."

Brothers and Sisters, Joseph knows it. God knows it. And I know it.

And I will never deny it.

Monday, February 22, 2016


Dear all, 
What a wonderful week in the mission field! So full of change! I received a new companion. I love Sister Kirkman with all my heart, and she is missed greatly. My new companion's name is Sister Paul! She has been in the field for just over 3 weeks, but you wouldn't know it unless she told you! She is incredible! I can hardly wait to continue to learn from her!
We've seen many miracles this week! We were contacting a referral this week, and they said they weren't interested, but that we should knock on their neighbor's door! Of course we did! The woman answered hesitantly. We told her who we were, and before we could get much farther, she said "Mormons?" We nodded, and she swung the door open as far as she could, shouting at us to come in! She was so excited! Apparently she had been taking the lessons a few years ago and was on track for baptism, but then she moved and got lost. She was so excited! She asked us when she could be baptized! We are so excited for her! 
We also had the opportunity to speak in sacrament meeting yesterday. For the first time in my life, I was the concluding speaker. The youth speaker and Sister Paul each took about 5 minutes. I looked at the clock and saw that there was still a good 25 minutes left in the meeting. As the choir sang a special musical number, I decided that I would only speak for the 10 minutes they had asked me to, but I looked over at the Bishopric (a mistake on my part, really) and the 2nd counselor managed to sign to me that he wanted me to speak longer. I was terrified, because I had only prepared 10 minutes, but it was interesting to speak the thoughts that the Lord put into my heart. I'd love to share them with you: 
"Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. In Their infinite and eternal love, They called him to be the Prophet of the Restoration. Through him, They restored every truth, every principle, and every priesthood key necessary for our salvation. At some point, every single one of us in this room has felt the truth of this to some degree, or else we wouldn't be here. 
When I was a junior in high school, I had the opportunity to visit the Sacred Grove. My seminary took a group of his students, and we visited church history sites for two weeks. The way the trip lined up, we visited the Sacred Grove during the second week. I was so excited. I just knew that if I could visit that wonderful place, I would gain a powerful testimony. I was counting the days! When we finally made it to Palmyra, we were taken to the grove and Brother Greer turned us loose. I found myself a quiet place and opened my scriptures. I read in Joseph Smith-History and began to pray. Then I waited. And waited. 
And waited. 
And waited. 
I can still picture the place I was sitting. I can see the trees and feel the misty air. I can hear the birds and smell the fresh scent of nature. And I was sitting there; waiting. 
And waiting. 
And waiting. 
And waiting. 
I remember thinking, "Maybe I didn't ask hard enough." So I asked again. 
And again. 
And again. 
And I waited. 
And waited. 
Pretty soon it was time to leave. I knew that I would probably never be able to visit that sacred place again, and I didn't want to leave... I hadn't received the witness I so desired yet! I was one of the last stragglers onto the bus. I sat in my seat and listened to my peers tell of their incredible experiences in the grove. I sat in silence. 
That night I prayed and asked why. Why didn't I get an answer in the grove? It just wasn't fair. I listened to all of my friends tell the story of their spiritual experiences, didn't I deserve one, too? What had I done wrong? 
I will never forget the answer I received that night. It was as if my Heavenly Father were right next to me, lovingly saying: "Sister Waite, you already know. You have read, pondered, and prayed about the Book of Mormon. You have prayed about Joseph Smith. You received the answers you were seeking. Was that not enough?" 
I think that too often we make our testimonies conditional, saying things like: "If I can visit the Sacred Grove, I'll know that the gospel was restored through Joseph Smith," or "I won't know that President Monson is the Prophet of the Lord today until I shake his hand and look into his eyes," or "Until I kneel at Christ's feet, I won't really know that He is my Savior." This should never, ever be the case. We can know it now. 
Brothers and Sisters, I love you. God loves you. And because He loves you, He has restored His gospel to this earth! Because of this Restoration, we have a knowledge of the covenants that the Lord has made with our fathers and are able to partake of those blessings. We have the opportunity to make covenants ourselves! What a wondrous blessing!
There is a verse of scripture that has absolutely changed the way I see the word of the Lord. Jeremiah 20:9 reads: 
"... his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay."
Brothers and Sisters, the fire of the Restoration is shut up deep within my bones and I cannot put it out. I cannot stay any longer. Because of my knowledge and testimony of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I have been converted and cannot stay the same any longer. I cannot stay my tongue in declaring this glorious message!"
I love this work with all of my heart! I can hardly believe it has been nearly 14 months! 
I love you all! 
Sister Waite

Monday, February 15, 2016


Dear all,

This week, we saw many mighty miracles! The work continues to move forward!

One night, I had a few extra minutes before I went to bed, and I decided to use them to do a little scripture study (because that's my favorite thing!) I found myself reading in 2 Nephi 27. My tired eyes skimmed the page, and rested on a line in verse 20 I had marked a little while back:

"I am able to do my own work."

Then again in verse 21:

"I will show unto the children of men that I am able to do my own work."

This caught my attention. As a missionary, I am engaged in the work of the Lord; the work of salvation! Yet, we are told right there in the scriptures that the Lord can (and does!) do His own work! If He really wanted to, the Lord could just appear to the entire world and tell them where they need to go and what they need to know in order to receive salvation.

He is very capable of doing His own work, yet He allows us to do it.

There is a line in Preach My Gospel that has stood out to me since the very first time I read it:

"As the Lord's servant, you are to do His work in His way and by His power" (pg. 97).

I think about this daily. Am I doing the Lord's work in the way that He would do it if He were in my shoes?

There's a scripture in Doctrine and Covenants 3 that I absolutely love:

"The works, and the designs, and the purposes of God cannot be frustrated, neither can they come to naught...

"Remember, remember that it is not the work of God that is frustrated, but the work of men" (D&C 3:1,3).

The work of the Lord will not be frustrated, only the work of men. I have to constantly ask myself: "Am I doing the work of the Lord or the work of Sister Waite?"

A few verses later, the Lord says:

"Behold, thou are [Sister Waite], and thou wast chosen to do the work of the Lord" (D&C 3:9).

I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, called of Him by prophecy and revelation, and assigned to serve in the Texas San Antonio Mission.

I have been sent to teach repentance and baptize converts. This is who I am, and this is why I am here!

I have been chosen to do the work of the Lord!

That night as I studied, my eyes wandered to the previous column, where I read these words:

"... in the mouth of as many witnesses as seemeth Him good will He establish His word..." (2 Nephi 27:14)

How grateful I am to have been counted worthy to be a witness who seemeth my Lord good. How grateful I am that He planted a seed in my heart that sprouted as I walked home from the Harold B. Lee Library one October afternoon over one year ago.

The work of the Lord is perfect. His purposes are sure.

Yes, the Lord is able to do His own work. But oh how great is the wisdom of the Lord in allowing us to be His instruments.

Sister Waite

Monday, February 8, 2016

Our Father

Pizza for Dinner!
Dear all, 

I cannot go another minute without declaring my absolute love for Texas and for the work of the Lord! The people I have come to know here have touched my heart for good and I cannot imagine life without serving. I will forever be grateful that I was counted worthy for so great a calling. I love this area and I love my companion. I love all my areas and all of my companions! They have changed me forever! 

The words of my favorite Primary song often come to my mind as I think of who I am and why I am here. 

"I am a child of God,
And he has sent me here,
Has given me an earthly home
With parents kind and dear.

"I am a child of God,
And so my needs are great;
Help me to understand his words
Before it grows too late.

"I am a child of God.
Rich blessings are in store;
If I but learn to do his will,
I’ll live with him once more.

"I am a child of God.
His promises are sure;
Celestial glory shall be mine
If I can but endure.

"Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday."

I am a child of God. 

You are a child of God. 

We are all children of our loving Heavenly Father. 

This is the first point missionaries are to teach their investigators, and to be honest, it is the first thing that I ever really remember learning as a child.

Why is this the first thing that we are to know? 

Without a correct understanding of who our Father is, we cannot have a correct understanding of who we are. If we do not know who we or our Father are, we cannot know the purpose of this life or the happiness and glory that awaits us in the next. 

You are a child of God. He loves you. He weeps with you when you suffer and rejoices when you do what is right. He has provided you, His child, with a way to be successful in this life and to return to live in His presence. He sent His Son to earth so that through the Atonement you can be freed for the burden of sin and develop faith and strength to face your trials. 

You are a child of God. 

You are a child of God

Do you understand it? Am I getting through? 

I love what Nephi says: "I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things (1 Nephi 11:17)."

Once we understand this one thing, nothing else matters. 

I can still remember the day when I first knew-really knew-that I had a Heavenly Father who loved me. Suddenly, the things that were going on around me just didn't matter. It didn't matter that I didn't have many friends at school. Nor did it matter that I wasn't getting as much time on the court as I had hoped. Not a single one of my slew of admittedly tiny problems mattered. 

I still have hard days. I still have times when I really wish things would be a little bit better or a little bit easier. But when I remember the love that my Father has for me, I am able to recognize His hand in my life, making things a little bit better or easier than they would be otherwise. 

Of all the titles of respect and honor and admiration that are given to Deity, He has asked us to address Him as Father. Do you realize the significance of that? 

I like to imagine that just a little over 20 years ago, my Father in Heaven held me close in His arms before allowing me to come here. I imagine that perhaps He gave me words of advice and encouragement and told me that He believed in me. That He told me that if I would hold fast, I would be able to one day return to Him. That He knew that I would make Him proud. 

When this life is over and I stand before Him again, I want to be able to say that I did all that I could to make Him proud. That is all that I want in this life. That is all that I want for you. That is all that I want for the people I meet on the street each day. 

You are the child of a loving Heavenly Father. 

Please remember that. 

Sister Waite

Thursday, February 4, 2016

A Second Email From President Slaughter

This is the second email we've received from President Slaughter in the year that Abbie has been serving as a missionary. We're so grateful we have the experience of sharing our child with others. The Lord has brought us joy through her.

Dear Stacy and Melissa Waite:

I am pleased to inform you that your daughter, Abbigail Marie Waite, has been assigned to serve as a sister training leader in the Texas San Antonio Mission.  She is well respected and loved among the other missionaries and has demonstrated leadership skills throughout her mission.

As a sister training leader, your daughter will work directly with the mission president and wife, be involved in mission leadership councils, teach and train other missionaries, including exchanges with sister companionships.

I am grateful to your daughter for the diligence and faith she has demonstrated in her mission and the example she is to others serving in the mission.

May the Lord's richest blessings be yours.



James E Slaughter, President, Texas San Antonio Mission

Monday, February 1, 2016

The Greatest Miracle of All

The greatest miracle in time and eternity is the Atonement of Jesus Christ. 

For it is expedient that an atonement should be made; for according to the great plan of the Eternal God there must be an atonement made, or else all mankind must unavoidably perish; yea, all are hardened; yea, all are fallen and are lost, and must perish except it be through the atonement which it is expedient should be made. (Alma 34:9)

We are not responsible for the Fall of Adam and Eve, but we are responsible for our own sins. We are taught in the scriptures that God cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance, and sin prevents us from living in His presence. 

Nephi teaches us that if our works have been filthiness, then we ourselves are filthy and "... the kingdom of God is not filthy, and there cannot any unclean thing enter into the kingdom of God (1 Nephi 15:34)." 

Because we are fallen human beings, we "all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)." 

None of us are perfect. None of us are clean enough to enter the kingdom of God on our own. 

In the ultimate act of mercy, Heavenly Father sent His Son to atone for our sins. 

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 

"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved (John 3:16-17)."

Christ paid the penalty for our sins. He alone was able to do so because He was perfectly clean. 

"Though He suffered beyond comprehension-so much so that He bled from every pore and asked whether it were possible that this burden be lifted from Him-He submitted to the Father's will in a supreme expression of love for His Father and for us (Preach My Gospel, pg. 52)."

"Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered (2 Nephi 2:7)." 

The triumph of Jesus Christ over sin through His suffering and over physical death by His Resurrection is called the Atonement. This is the greatest miracle of all time and eternity. 

Through the Atonement we become worthy to enter the presence of our Heavenly Father permanently. We grow. We change. We become clean. 

As a missionary, I have had many, many, many opportunities to see the Atonement work in people's lives. 

I have watched people I have taught apply the Atonement in their lives and it brings me such joy to see the change it has made in them. 

I have been a witness to missionaries around me growing and changing into powerful servants of the Lord.

I have seen my friends and family grow through living the gospel and accepting the Atonement of Jesus Christ more fully in their lives. 

I, myself, have experienced a mighty change of heart. I am not who I was one year ago. I am not who I was three months ago. I am not even who I was yesterday. 

This week has been one full of growth and change and love. I love my companion and I thank God every day that I was given the opportunity to finish her training, as unexpected as it was. I am grateful for the trust the Lord has in me. I am grateful for all of the companions I have had who have helped shape me. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a mission historian for the last two transfers, and a sister training leader for the next. The change that has taken place in me over the last 13 months would not have taken place had I not been called to serve the Lord. I cannot adequately express the joy that is in my heart because of the gospel I have the privilege to declare to these wonderful people of Texas. 

"Therefore, let us glory, yea, we will glory in the Lord; yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea, we will praise our God forever. Behold,who can glory too much in the Lord? Yea, who can say too much of his great power, and of his mercy, and of his long-suffering towards the children of men? Behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel. 

"Who could have supposed that our God would have been so merciful as to have snatched us from our awful, sinful, and polluted state (Alma 26:16-17)?"

"And now, beloved, marvel not that I tell you these things; for why not speak of the atonement of Christ, and attain to a perfect knowledge of him... (Jacob 4:12)"

The miracle of the Atonement is real. It has worked in my life. It will work in yours. 

And it works wonderfully

Sister Waite