I am ever grateful for the miracle of the Atonement. To think that I am not left to wallow in sin or to deal with trials alone fills my soul with such sweet joy! And to think that I have been called and chosen to share that message and that joy with the people of Texas leads me to marvel at the great Plan of our Father. Again, I ask you: "have we not reason to rejoice?" "I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for he has all power, all wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is a merciful Being, even unto salvation, to those who will repent and believe on his name (Alma 26:35)."
This was definitely an interesting week. Long story short... things didn't go according to plan! But that's okay, because the Lord always provides a way for us to see miracles. I have never felt so ineffective as a missionary, but I've also never seen such great miracles! We now have three people with a solid baptism date, we had nine investigators at church, and we continue to find! I wish I could list out for you every miracle we saw this week... but that would take too long! This is truly the Lord's work and He is so patient with His imperfect and fallen servants. I can hardly wait to continue the work this week and be the most effective servant I can be!
During a study this week, I had an interesting epiphany about repentance. We've been working with a recent convert who says she doesn't feel worthy of coming to church. That made me SO SAD. So, I dedicated an entire hour of study to repentance. The simplicity of that doctrine astounded me! I don't know why it's always been so intimidating! Repentance involves a change of heart and a desire to forsake sin and serve God. Repentance requires a desire, NOT PERFECTION. If repentance required perfection, then wouldn't we all be in a pickle? Thank heavens it doesn't! All it requires is a change of heart and a desire to change. Repentance isn't so much giving up things, it is allowing our Savior to change us so that we no longer want them. We have to be patient with ourselves. Change takes time. Real repentance comes with a change of heart. Mosiah 5:2 describes it as a "mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually." A disposition to do good continually does not mean that we do not sin or make mistakes, it means that we do not WANT to sin or make mistakes. When we desire to do good continually is when we are truly repentant. And the Lord rejoices over the repentant soul. (Luke 15:3-7) He will search for and reach out to us forever! (Alma 5:60)
Jesus Christ suffered so that we won't have to if we will only repent and allow our hearts to be changed (Alma 7:13).
May we all consider ourselves worthy of the Savior's Atonement and utilize it daily!
Sister Waite