Monday, June 13, 2016


I got to ride my bike in Eagle Pass! So much fun!
Last night with President Slaughter and the Assistants!
Dear all,

The work is truly hastening! It seems as though time is moving faster and faster each day! This week was full of exchanges, training meetings, history writing, transfer planning, and other such missionary things!

I had the wonderful opportunity to work with Sister Budke, one of my MTC companions.  What a blessing that was! Then Sister Hardman and I traveled to Eagle Pass to work with the sisters there. My, how wonderful that was! The missionaries in the TSAM are so inspiring!

Friday we had the opportunity to receive one last training from President Slaughter before he and his family return home later this month. He is so inspiring. I learned much from the Spirit that day. Mostly, though, it was confirmed to me just how much the Lord knows each and every one of His children. The Slaughter family has been such a blessing. I cannot imagine not having the Slaughters to have learned from for the last 17 months. However, I am so grateful, as well, to learn from President and Sister Polley for the last month of my
mission. The Lord knows us! He gives us exactly what and who we need.

Speaking of how we have WHO we need, I cannot miss the opportunity to express my love and gratitude for my sweet companion. How she puts up with me every day is a mystery to me! I have been blessed with another six weeks with her and yet another six weeks here in Balcones Heights. What an incredible blessing! This area is bursting with work to be done, and it's a pleasure to be a part of it!

There are miracles happening every day. Just yesterday, our investigator, Sister Bucher, turned to us after sacrament meeting and asked when the next baptismal service was. It took both of us a second to realize that she was asking when she could be baptized! She told us that she feels peace whenever she's at church or reading the scriptures and truly feels at home with the people of the Balcones Heights ward. We are excited for her!

One of the Lord's most repeated promises to His servants is that there are people prepared RIGHT NOW to hear the gospel. I see that promise fulfilled every single day as I meet more and more people of San Antonio and declare to them the glorious news of the Restoration. Not everyone accepts, but those who do are truly ready to progress in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Missionary work takes faith and trust, but as we are willing to share what we know, prepared people come flying out of left field, as President Slaughter puts it. What's wonderful about this promise is that it does not only apply to missionaries who wear a
black name tag. There are prepared people EVERYWHERE! We must only be willing to open our mouths.

I have never felt more joy than when I have been in the service of my God. I have come to know the Master whom I have served (Mosiah 5:13). The deepest truths of the gospel have been etched upon my heart.

Exchanges with Sister Budke, one of my MTC companions!
Selfie with Mexico in the background! Just beyond the Rio Grande in the background!

There is a fire that burns deep in my bones, and it will never be put out; only burn brighter for years to come.
I love you all!

Sister Waite