Monday, June 27, 2016

Praise to the Man!

Dear all, 

It has been another glorious week in the work of the Lord. Miracles are what happen in the TSAM, and we are seeing them left and right. It is incredible to be a part of. 

I love the Lord, I love this mission, I love my companion, and I love this gospel. 

On our favorite bridge! (In honor of my family's family pictures this week! ha ha!)
When I first began my mission, I had many experiences when my testimony of the Restoration of the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith was questioned. One man drove me to tears with relentless questions. One woman called my companion and me fanatics and hurled insults left and right. In each case, I sat helplessly as my seemingly fearless companions testified powerfully. 

I came away from those experiences with a stronger testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith's sacred calling, yet I was too afraid to declare it. But, if I had known then as I know now, no power on Earth could have restrained me from making it clear that I stand with the Prophet Joseph. 

Trainer/Trainee Meeting. Look at all the wonderful TSAMers! :D
We read in the Bible of a people who worshiped God. A people who heard His voice and followed His commandments. We read of the many prophets whom God sent forth to teach these people, to call them to repentance, and to help them to know the ways of God. 

God has always used prophets to help His children return to Him. 

We are no different today. 

The time after the death of Christ and His apostles was dark. Priesthood keys and presiding authority were lost. The simple truths of the gospel were corrupted and doctrines were distorted. False ideas were taught as truth. The people of the world were lost and confused. There was no prophet on the earth to guide them to the truth. 

Oh how my heart rejoices in knowing that our Heavenly Father has once again reached out in love to His children! How I yearn for every ear on this earth to hear of the glorious news of the Restoration! We have not been left alone! The pure and simple truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ have been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith! 

From his First Vision in the spring of 1820 to his martyrdom 172 years ago today, Joseph Smith acted as God's mouthpiece on Earth. It is through Brother Joseph that our God was able to bring back such vital truths as the simplicity of the doctrine of Christ and the joy of eternal families. He was the instrument in God's hands in bringing forth sacred scripture and the restoration of the priesthood. 

I bear witness that Jesus Christ is our Savior. He is our Redeemer. And He chose a righteous man to lead the Restoration of the fulness of His gospel. 

I echo the words of John Taylor when he declared: "Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it" (D&C 135:3).

"Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah! Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer. Blessed to open the last dispensation, kings shall extol him, and nations revere" (Hymns, 27). 

I will forever praise my Lord, who saw fit to restore His everlasting gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith. 

"What do we hear in the gospel which we have received? A voice of gladness! ... A voice of truth out of the earth... Glad tidings of great joy. How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those that bring glad tidings of good things, and that say unto Zion: Behold, thy God reigneth! 

"... Shall we not go on in so great a cause?... Let your hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad" (D&C 128:19,22)

I love you all!
Sister Waite